
Friday, November 7, 2014

Broken Course (Wrecked & Ruined, #3) by ALY MARTINEZ: Review By Lys

*** I Love Story Time was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review ***

5 STARS!!!

I have to say that this is one of the best conclusions to a series that I have ever read! Aly Martinez has once again written a beautiful, emotionally driven book that will hook you in the prologue and leave you desperately wanting more after her last word. 

Unlike many others, I fell in love with Sara in book 1, Changing Course. I even had a really hard time with Brett and Jesse's love story because I wanted Sara back. sniff, sniff ... Well guess what?! Sara is back!!! Sara is funny, sarcastic, doesn't hold back her emotions, and loves deeply.

What better man to save Sara than Leo? swoon... Leo is just simply amazing. He's strong, protective, loving, hilarious, and sexy as hell! If you haven't read Among The Echoes, you MUST read before this book! You will fall in love with Leo and have a better understanding of who he is and where he is coming from. His love for Erica will leave you rooting for his very own HEA.

Like Sara, Leo is broken, but together they are perfect. Leo understands Sara's battle against her demons and she his. Their journey together was very emotional and endearing. There were several scenes that had me crying happy tears. The way that Leo and Sara were each others anchors when they needed it the most, was so touching. You could really feel the love between all the characters whisper off the pages. When Sara opened Manda's box, when Brett went to talk to Leo, and when Erica had her baby.......oh my goodness, my heart was so full. Then there was Cara and her damn vegetable report! I laughed so hard at that part. Cara needs her own book...that girl is too much!

What I loved most about this book and in ALL of Ally's books is that she brings everything full circle. There were scenes with Sara and Brett that were exactly what I needed to move past their relationship. I loved them together and so I got the closure "I" needed! LOL. Oh...sigh...then my favorite. God I love Caleb!!  If there was ever a man that I would leave my husband for, I'm pretty sure it would be Caleb Jones! I fell in even harder and deeper in love with him in this book! His heart to heart with Sara, wiping away sealed the deal. 

There is so much I want to tell you about this book but I won't. You will just have to read it! It was emotional, funny, and holy hell.....did it have some scorching HOT love scenes! blushing... Don't just read this book, read this entire series! I know it says that they can all be read as a standalone, but to fully entwine yourself in this incredible tale, you MUST read them all! I absolutely loved them and YOU will too! I can not wait to see what Aly writes next!!


I Love Story Time Ratings


5 = LOVED, HIGHLY recommend.

4 = REALLY liked, recommend.

3 = GOOD, but needed more.

2 = It was OKAY.

1 = NOT for me.

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