
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

***Release Blitz!*** RAW: REBIRTH by Belle Aurora!

Title: RAW: Rebirth
Series: RAW Family #3
Author: Belle Aurora
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: January 2, 2019


It had been six years since my world was turned upside down.
He exposed me to the darker side of life and I could never go back to the person I was.
I had been through more things the average person couldn’t even relate to.

If I had the chance to go back and do things differently though?
Not a chance.

I’d pick him a thousand times. A million times. For eternity.

I guess not much has changed.

My name is Alexa Ballentine, and I am still in love with my stalker.

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"There was only one love like this. It was a desperate, overwhelming kind of love that made a person do stupid things and act out in ways they never deemed possible. But it was ours ..." 

I can't tell you how long I have wanted this story because it feels like forever. Raw was EVERYTHING, and I desperately NEEDED more of Twitch. So, when I had the opportunity to hold this story in my hands, I was beyond excited. You'd have to know this dark, intense, anti-hero to truly understand what has readers everywhere beside themselves. Believe me, Twitch IS all consuming.

"... we all loved a gentleman but secretly craved a savage." 

It's been six years since Lexi lost the love of her life. Raising a son on her own and sharing her life with old friends, it only takes 2 words to turn her world upside down. Two words that gave me goosebumps and filled me with pure excitement.

"I was a sinner, and she was my only prayer." 

Lexi never ceased to amaze me. Her character, her strength, grew leaps and bounds. It was exhilarating to see her evolve into the Queen she was. I loved how she began to top her King.

"If chaos and fury were ever joined, Twitch would be the child born of the coupling. And what a crazy, beautiful hurricane he was." 

Too say that Twitch was back, was an understatement. He was back, but so were his demons. Just when he thought he'd put everything in his past behind him, one vile dragon reared it's deceptive head, bent on revenge. But this time, nothing and no one was going to keep Twitch from the life and love he so desperately wanted. Not now... not ever.

"The good. The bad. The psycho. Twitch was a man of good intentions, stitched together with barbed wire and fueled by raw fury." 

I loved how this story came together. I loved how it picked up right where Raw left off, but also carried over storyline and characters from Dirty, while introducing new ones. When I read Lexi's final words, I felt that their story had come full circle. While Rebirth was a bit lighter than Raw and Dirty, it was just as intense and spellbinding. Especially the sexy scenes! Now that I've read it, I feel complete. Twitch will forever top my book boyfriend list. His story... a MUST read!

"Twitch was the medicine I didn't know I needed, and I wanted to shoot him up, right into my veins, and stay high on him for a lifetime." 

Me too, Lexi. Me too...

♥ Review by Lys

My... it’s been awhile since I’ve had some Twitch! I actually went back to re-read Raw before starting Raw:Rebirth to get the full picture once again. And let me tell you... Twitch is just as good the second time around. He is just so... Raw, and I love it!!! I love him!! Even though he’s rough around the edges, I’m sure some of us ladies wouldn’t mind just one night with him! HaHaHa! I may even ask for two!!! I’m pretty sure Lexi was correct when she said...

“He had the horns of a demon, the eyes of an angel, and the mouth of a god.”

Because by god his mouth was memorizing! Just his words will have you fanning yourself! He is the perfect mix of sweetness and alpha! Top book boyfriend qualities for sure!

As for Rebirth, it was great! I feel that this time around we get to see the more sensitive side of Twitch. I think being a dad and being with Lexi has gotten him a little softer around the edges and isn’t as demanding, but I still love him! Because where it matters, like in the bedroom, he’s still all alpha, and I’m sure that’s what we all wanted! Lol. Lexi also has gotten pretty dominate as well. I did like the many twist and turns that took place in the storyline! Most importantly I’m so happy that some characters got what they deserved in the end!! I was so excited to get the conclusion of Twitch’s story, but I’m kind of sad because it’s over! I guess now I’ll just have to wait to see what’s next!!

-Review by Juls

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Author Bio

Belle Aurora is thirty-something year old and was born in the land down under.

At an early age she fell in love with reading. Boredom one summer had her scouring the bookshelves at home. She stumbled across Sandra Brown’s Breath of Scandal and fell in love with romance.
Having been brought up in a loud and boisterous family of Croatian descent, she developed a natural love for dramatics and laughter. Only some years ago had she discovered a new love.
Humorous romance novels.
So many authors had opened a brand new world where she could lose herself yet feel safe and at home in their stories. Belle has been known to become a screeching banshee while anxiously awaiting their newest titles.
Belle never thought she would write. It had never interested her until recently. Friend-Zoned began to form and in February this year Belle typed the words Chapter One. And she fell in love.
With words.
With writing.
With a creative imagination she never knew she harbored.

Belle Aurora is a USA Today best-selling author.

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