
Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Suicide King by Vanessa Marie ~ Review by Juls

The Suicide KingThe Suicide King by Vanessa Marie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Vanessa Marie contacted our blog in regards to reading, The Suicide King, she stated she wrote a story that put her way outside of her comfort zone. I can honestly say that reading it, put me in that same comfort zone. It’s not that it isn’t a story that everyone should read. It’s a story that not everyone can read. If you're looking for a happy go lucky story with a happily ever after, this is not it. If you're looking for something that will grab your attention, a story that will show you how one simple decision we make can affect everyone, THIS is it. Vanessa has written about a topic that most people have a hard time just talking about, let alone reading about. I can understand why she did it. Unfortunately, it’s something that people nowadays are too familiar with. Her spin on it shows us, in a unique way, the aftermath of such an awful situation. A situation that I wish that no one would have to go through. A situation that I hope and pray that if someone is thinking about it, will ask for help. Maybe even reading this will open the eyes of many to seek the help that is needed other than making such a sacrifice.


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