
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

HANDLE WITH CARE by Helena Hunting: Review by Lys

I adored Bane, Lex, and Griffin, but I LOVED Lincoln! He is rough and gruff and is a bull in a china shop. He is abrasive and aggressive and ALL man. He made my heart pitter patter from the beginning to the very end!

Wren was so much fun. I liked her take charge personality and how she handled the super dysfunctional Moorehead family; especially Armstrong. She was exactly what Lincoln needed. 

I really enjoyed Lincoln and Wren’s story. It was so much fun to read. I loved the witty banter, the heat, and the swoonalicious moments between them.

Helena Hunting has became one of my most favorite authors. I can always count on her stories to captivate me and take me to another world where perfect men and happily ever afters exist. I can’t wait to see where she takes me next! 

~Review by Lys 

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