
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

FIGHTING ABSOLUTION by Kate McCarthy: Review by Lys

Fighting AbsolutionFighting Absolution by Kate McCarthy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5++ Beautiful Stars!

Fighting Redemption is one of my most favorite books, so when I heard about this story, I just had to read it. I counted down the days until I could have it in my greedy little hands. When I finally had the opportunity to read it, I hesitated. Part of me wanted to blow through it and devour every word, the other part, wanted to take my time and savor every single emotion. In the end, this story consumed me! Fighting Absolution is gripping, heartbreaking, intense, emotional, hopeful, inspiring, and one of the best books I've read this year!

THIS book. I have SO much love for it. I was an emotional mess while reading it. It completely gutted me. My heart ached for these characters. The loss was unbearable at times, but the beauty at the end, made it all worth it.

I loved Jamie. I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever felt that way about another heroine. She was strong. She was fierce. She was a fighter. She was a warrior! Every time she was knocked down, she dusted herself off and got right back up. Even though she felt alone, it was the love of her father that gave her the will to press on. Jamie wore a hard shell and built a wall a mile high around her, but inside, she was just a broken girl trying to out run her guilt. I admired her tenacity and perseverance. Her will to survive.

Kyle...sigh. He had so much to overcome. So much to live up to! I was so proud of him because he did it with patience and love. I liked how he and Jamie went back to the beginning and became friends again. He gave her the space she needed to overcome tragedy. Together, they grieved and found comfort in each other. Kyle definitely found his spot in my heart. In addition to being the best kind of man, he was intense, rough, and ridiculously hot. Those sexy scenes? Off the charts! He had me revved up and swooning like a school girl! Jamie may have had her first love, but Kyle was her soulmate. Their love healed all the broken pieces inside them... and me.

♥ Review by Lys

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