
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hated You Then by M. Robinson ~ Review by Juls

“I want a guy who wants to be with me. The one who will do anythin’ to make me happy. The man who puts me first before everythin’ and anyone. I want the fairytale, my own Prince Charmin’. I know my worth, and I won’t stop till I find him. I refuse to settle. It’s just not in me.”

Hated You Then is seriously laugh out loud funny! The letters!!! OMG... I couldn’t stop laughing! They were just too much and the back and forth between Jackson and Harley was hilarious! Harley was perfect for him! She knew how to give just as good as Jackson gave! I also felt like I got a little refresher of the Pierced Hearts Duet. I really fell for Jackson in that series, so I was anxiously awaiting getting more of him. Yes, he’s a younger boy, but something about him just hooked me while he was playing those pranks on Camila. I think we all know Jackson is a little punk, but I know deep down he has a pure heart. I’m just hoping to see more of that in Love You Now. I can’t wait for it to be released in November. It can’t come soon enough!


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