
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Selfless by Kelsey Cheyenne ~ Review by Juls

Selfless (A Carolina Coastal Novel, #1)Selfless by Kelsey Cheyenne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There’s just something about stories like this that get me every time. I don’t know if it’s because the story line hits close to home, or the fact that their love story is just so tragic. It can possibly be a little of both.

My heart hurts for Maddox. The life he never had a chance to experience was sadly taken too early. Not to mention, the daughter he never got to meet, seriously left me so emotional. It was just all so consuming. However, I did like Wren for Carson and Ava. Sometimes it’s hard for me to read second chance stories because I always get so attached to their first love. But I feel that Kelsey Cheyenne did a great job with the transition between the two. She didn’t make you feel that one love was more than the other. Carson was lucky enough to experience two true loves in her life ! In the end, I am truly happy that Carson and Ava both found what they needed in Wren to complete their H.E.A!


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