
Monday, November 4, 2019

FIX by Molly McAdams: Review by Lys

FixFix by Molly McAdams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Woohoo! Fix is such a great start to a new series of stand-alones! I love small town romances. I am so excited about the Dixon boys! I can’t wait to read each of their stories. I just know that they all have a story to tell!

I loved Sawyer and Rae. I felt their connection and was immediately committed to their journey. I liked how their two broken pieces fit together and how they made each other feel whole again. I loved the humor, the heart, and the heat in this story. I did not expect it to be as emotional as it was, but then again, it was written by the infamous, Molly McAdams. It will definitely keep readers turning the pages!

As much as I enjoyed Sawyer and Rae, I enjoyed their family and friends just as much. Rae and Savannah are the very first of the girl squad, and I can’t wait to see who joins them next. I have a feeling we’ve only been given a small taste of what it yet to come! Eeek, I can’t wait. I want more!

♥ Review by Lys

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