
Monday, November 11, 2019

Love You Now by M. Robinson ~ Release Blitz

From Wall Street Journal & USA Bestselling Author M. Robinson comes Love You Now, book 2 in the Love Hurts Duet. 

A coming of age, enemies to lovers, contemporary romance filled with angst and all the feels. 

I should have told her everything.
How much I loved her. 
How much I've always loved her. 
But I didn't. 
I couldn't. 
I just wasn't made that way.
Instead... I claimed her. 
Teased her.
Taunted her.
Worshipped her.
Until... I broke her.
My best friend. 
My savior. 
My girl.
From my mind to my heart, to every single bone in my body. 
She owned me. 
I was hers.
Every look. 
Every kiss. 
Every touch. 
Every tear.
It was always her.
The only thing I feared more than losing her was forgetting her.
I hated how much I needed her.
She was mine. 
Always and forever.
I hated her then.
But Harley Jameson was about to find out how much...
I LOVED her now.

Buy Your Copy Here:
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Love You Now by M. Robinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“One simple decision could alter your entire future.”

I’m struggling you guys. I'm so torn on how I feel about Love You Now and how to write this review. I waited until the last minute to write it because I wanted to see if my feelings would change as time went on or if I was able to overcome a major key point of Jackson and Harley’s story. I was so excited to read their conclusion because I completely fell in love with them. I’ve loved Jackson since meeting him in Dr. Pierce’s story, so I knew I was going to fall head over hills for him. I totally did! There’s no if's, and's, or buts about it. That’s not even the issue. I love him even more after reading this then I did before if that’s even possible. Actually, as I’m sitting here thinking about everything that I read, everything that I felt, I know exactly how I feel aboutLove You Now. I did like it. I think many readers will enjoy it. Did I cry? Maybe just a tad at the very end. It wasn’t as emotional as I was thinking. Which is totally fine. That’s not the issue either. I’ll even probably give it 5 Stars because it was good! Because it is worth the read and I would recommend it! Jackson and Harley deserve for their story to be read. So nope, I don’t have any regrets at all when it comes to them!

However... there is a BUT!!! If you want my complete honest opinion, then I can’t stop there. Now, before I go on my semi rant just know that I have read ALL of M. Robinson’s books. I have signed up for her promotions, ARCs, and we even post her sale events as well. Pretty much anything to help spread the news about her awesome stories. Because yes, they are pretty great and some of them are my top faves. That being said, there are times when I feel like the characters have had enough drama. They have managed to get through the hurdles they had to get to a place where they are finally happy. We think all is well and then, bam! The chair was pulled right out from under us. I mean, I get it. I get that there has to be that one thing that no one would have seen coming. But, that one thing, that one detail, I feel can be a bit much. Like, was that necessary? Did it have to happen that way? Couldn’t they just be happy and have their H.E.A without the hurdles that will now still come. Because that’s how I felt about Jackson and Harley. I was happy for them, happy they managed to work everything out. But then at 83% with 35 min left in the book, it happened. That one moment. That one little detail. It changed everything I felt about their story. When I read that, all I could say was “are you fuckin' kidding me?!” I mean, maybe that’s what Monica was going for? Maybe that’s the reaction she’s hoping to get from her readers? For me personally, there are so many other ways to achieve those reactions. I just wish it wasn’t by that particular event. As for the next story, I’m sure I’m going to read it, but another thing I am not fond of is age gaps. I had a hard time reading Creed's story and that may have been why I was such a Noah fan. Let’s just say, there’s one major age gap coming and I’m just hoping I’m able to get through it.

-Review by Juls

I couldn’t remember a time before her... Harley Jameson. 

Before she owned me.

Hated Me.
Needed me.
Before I hated her…
Things were simple. 
We had an understanding. 
Bully. Fight. Hate. It’s what we did.
Mind. Body. Soul. It’s how we loved.
I thought nothing would ever change that, until everything did. 
She was mine. 
Always had been. 
Always would be. 
Nothing altered that.
Not how much I hated her.
Not how much she hated me. 
Especially, not how much I hated… 
That I LOVED her.

Buy Hated You Then, Book 1 Here:

Wall Street Journal & USA Bestselling Author M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein. 

She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in psychology, with two years left. 

She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces.

They have two German Shepherd mixes and a Tabby cat.
Stalk M. Robinson Here:

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