
Monday, December 9, 2019

Kiss Me with Lies by S.M. Soto ~ Review by Juls

Kiss Me With Lies (Twin Lies, #1)Kiss Me With Lies by S.M. Soto
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh man... really? Why?? That cliff hanger?!? All I can say is... BRUTAL! I can’t believe S.M is leaving us on such a cliffy!! There is no way I’m going to be able to “patiently” wait for Bury Me with Lies. I had no idea that ending was coming or that it was written as a duet! I must have somehow missed that. But in a way, I’m kind of excited because now I get more of this heart-stopping story! I need it now! Baz and Mackenzie’s story kept me on the edge of my seat for so many reasons. I was excited when I signed up for Kiss Me with Lies because it’s a romantic suspense. I haven’t read that genre in a while. So this gave me something new to indulge myself in, and I loved it. I’m sure I’ll be looking up S.M. Soto’s work to see what else I should dive into. The one and only thing that bothered me between Baz and Mackenzie was how fast they moved and his nickname for her. I guess that’s actually two things! But other than that, I’ll be giving this a 5 star rating!! I highly recommend this very suspenseful read that even brought tears to my eyes unexpectedly!


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