
Monday, January 6, 2020

RELEASE by Aly Martinez: Review by Lys

ReleaseRelease by Aly Martinez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Phenomenal Read!

I am at a loss for words. There is so much I want to say about Release, but I feel it wouldn't even come close to expressing how AMAZING this story truly was. This book was EVERYTHING! The complexity of the storyline and it's characters blew me away. Aly Martinez hit it out of the park with Ramsey and Thea. I have LOVED all of her books, but I believe this one is her BEST work yet. There was so much emotion in this story. Not the kind that makes you ugly cry, but the kind that sucks all the oxygen from your chest. My heart ached for both Ramsey and Thea. My stomach was in knots in anticipation of how it was all going to work out. Just when I thought all was going to be okay, a punch to the gut was delivered. Loss, heartbreak, young love, devastation... it completely consumed me, and I loved every single minute of it!

Release is definitely a MUST READ of 2019. I highly recommend!

♥ Review by Lys

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