
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

An Ethereal Dilemma by Costa James John ~ Review by Juls

An Ethereal DilemmaAn Ethereal Dilemma by Costa James John
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I signed up for, An Ethereal Dilemma, because the genre is psychological romance. I was looking forward to reading it because I’ve been liking this genre recently. It gives me something different to read from time to time. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t connect with the characters/story. I think there are a few reasons why. First, it’s written in the third person. Most readers are ok with it, however, I tend to feel a disconnection with the characters because of this. Second, I feel that the character’s relationship moved too fast. Which brings me to the third reason. It was really short. I think it took a little over an hour to finish. Because it was short, I felt that the story itself was rushed. I’m sure the author was trying to fit as much as he could into a short story. For me personally, it wasn't my cup of tea. However, I did rate it 3 stars. I feel that the storyline was good. The concept of the story was good. I just think that if the dialogue was written in first person and it was a little longer, I may have enjoyed it a little more. I did notice that others rated it 5 Stars, so please, by no means, let my review detour anyone from reading this. I’m just one of many reviews.


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