
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

From the First Verse by M. Robinson

From the First Verse  (Life of Debauchery, #1)From the First Verse by M. Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s nice to read M. Robinson’s books because I like how they intertwine with her previous stories. There were some events I read in, From the First Verse that I completely forgot about happening. I guess it could be because in between each release, I’m reading other stories. So this time around, I had a few instances when I caught myself thinking... OMG, I forgot that happened! LOL. It was nice because it felt like it was the first time reading about them all over again! Honestly, there’s nothing new to say about this new release. I mean, it’s from M.Robinson, and part of her top ongoing series. So just like all the others, it was really good! She’ll have you swooning and eventually you’ll be shedding those pesky tears. But, we all know it’ll be worth it because it will leave us dying for more!


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