
Monday, April 6, 2020

Southern Storms by Brittainy C. Cherry ~ Review by Juls

Southern Storms (Compass, #1)Southern Storms by Brittainy C. Cherry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“ Maybe that’s what it’s all about. Maybe it isn’t about getting to the sunlight, but being able to weather the storm with those you love most.”

Before I get started on this review and how I felt about Jax and Kennedy, I just want to say I loved Conner! I honestly think he added so much to the story. His jokes had me laughing and his personality was so easy going. I’m sure I can speak for many when I say... please let Conner have a book as well!!

As for Kennedy and Jax, it was nice to see their story as children and adults. Kennedy seemed like a hoot when she was younger. I loved that their personalities balanced each other out. Kennedy is full of spunk, while Jax is really low key. A perfect match! I loved the way they were there for each other while weathering their own storms. Their stories will break many hearts. Actually, prior to reading this, I saw so many people saying how they balled while reading Southern Storms. So I thought... Oh man, Brittainy is going to get me again! With that said, I am totally fine when it comes to her gut wrenching stories because I can't seem to get enough! As a matter of fact, in the story when Kennedy is younger, there's a part where she was telling Jax how she felt about becoming an author. She told him...

“I think I want to write books and I want to use all the big words that you taught me. I want my books to be so big and so good that they make people happy when they finish them. I want people to be so excited with the idea of waiting for another book from me. And, and, and each book will have a word you taught me, so it’s like you’re always a part of the books, too.”

Let me just say... this is SPOT ON how I feel about Brittainy C. Cherry's stories. She never leaves me disappointed, and I am ALWAYS so EXCITED waiting for another book from her. A top author for sure!!


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