
Monday, May 4, 2020

Charlie by Siobhan Davis ~ Review by Juls

Charlie (Rydeville Elite #4)Charlie by Siobhan Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to say that the Rydeville Elite Series is my top “dark” high school romance. The first 3 books were seriously out of this world! I remember the up and down emotions I experienced while reading them, so when I started Charlie, I couldn’t wait to get more! I started liking Charlie from the previous stories. I knew that he really was this sweet guy that was put into a hard situation. However, after reading his story, I felt like I was reading a completely different series. I thought I’d be getting the same type of darkness that the series had given me previously. I was wrong. At first, I was honestly a little disappointed. My exact thoughts were.. Wow, that wasn’t what I was expecting. I really missed the grittiness and the plot twist. I did feel a little let down.

But... after I really thought about it, I realized my problem wasn’t the story itself. My problem was that I automatically went in thinking it was just going to be the same as before. I didn’t take into consideration that not all characters are all the same. I think the previous stories were more dark because Kai, in general, has a more darker personality. Charlie as I have mentioned before, doesn’t. So after thinking about it that way, I’d say that this story portrayed Charlie’s character perfectly. The sweet guy vibes that I felt from him were 100% correct! That doesn’t make him any less sexy because he still managed to top the charts where it counts!

As for Jackson? I’ll be waiting for that release for sure!! I just know Jackson has that dark edge to him I crave!


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