
Monday, May 18, 2020

Echoes of You by Margaret McHeyzer ~ Review by Juls

Echoes of YouEchoes of You by Margaret McHeyzer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“ This is where part of me will die and another part of me will live.”

Well, I barely finished reading the prologue and my heart already fell. I knew prior to starting this that I was in for an emotional roller coaster because that’s how all books written by Margaret McHeyzer have been for me. BUT! I thought I’d at least get passed the prologue before I had that heart-dropping feeling. However, I was wrong. So very wrong and those moments never seemed to stop.

Echoes of You is written in two parts. The first part definitely had the heart dropping moments for me. Just thinking back on the story and Neve, gives me chills. I felt so horrible for her and yet she was so strong. When it came to part two of the story, I have to honestly say that I didn’t connect to it at first. Or maybe it was more that I didn’t connect very good with Molly. I’m not too sure what it was, but thankfully as time went on that connection got stronger and it all came together for me. I absolutely had tears in my eyes from time to time. Which, again, isn’t new when it comes to this amazing author!

I will say I really liked Dylan! He was so supportive when it came to Molly. The love and words of encouragement were everlasting..

“You can allow yourself to be vulnerable, Molly. You can allow yourself to love me back. If I wanted to run, I would’ve done that already. But I don’t. I never want to be anywhere without you.”

“You’re my better, Molly. You’re my everything.”

He really was a great guy. He said all the right things at all the right moments. Many men probably would of had a hard time dealing with the things that Molly went through, but for Dylan, his love never faulted and his love never died.


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