
Friday, August 7, 2020

Like You by Rachel Leigh~ Review by Juls

Like YouLike You by Rachel Leigh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have to start off with a confession! I was a little nervous starting this because after reading Like Gravity, I was a little hesitant. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it, but I felt like it lacked something for me. So going into Like You, I was really hoping for something that I would have a better connection with. Something that would have just a little more umpth to it! Plus, when I started Like You, I wasn’t even sure what I was walking into. I didn’t read the synopsis since I just continued on after reading book one. I was surprised to find out that it was a teacher/student relationship. I’m not sure if that’s what caught my attention, but I was pretty intrigued from the beginning which made me super happy. I practically devoured this book! It really keeps you going since there’s a few twist and turns. I think the secret relationship and sneaking around may have helped with that as well. I really did enjoy it this time around. It’s a great story, and I was really able to connect with the characters. I also liked Axel! Even though he seems to be spiraling downhill fast, I can’t wait to read his story next!


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