
Monday, August 24, 2020

***Release Blitz!*** THE REALITY OF EVERYTHING (Flight & Glory #5) by Rebecca Yarros


THE REALITY OF EVERYTHING (Flight & Glory #5) by Rebecca Yarros 
Release Date: August 24th   

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Blurb: Two years after the man she loved was killed in Afghanistan, Morgan Bartley is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. The reno on her dilapidated beach house in the Outer Banks might be just the distraction she needs to keep her debilitating anxiety attacks at bay and begin to heal her heart...if she can ignore the ridiculously handsome guy next door. At twenty-eight, single-dad Jackson Montgomery’s life revolves around his five-year-old daughter and his job as a search-and-rescue pilot for the coast guard. He’s no stranger to saving a damsel in distress, and though his gorgeous new neighbor is clearly in distress, she’s no damsel. She’s stubborn as hell with walls a mile thick, and the dog tags hanging from her rearview mirror give him a pretty good clue as to why. It doesn’t matter that their attraction is undeniable—she swore she’d never fall for another pilot, let alone a military man. There are some wounds time can’t heal, and some fears too consuming to conquer. She’s a barely breathing heartbreak on the edge of recovery. He’s a crash waiting to happen. Together they could have it all...if they can endure the coming storm. 

Bravo, Rebecca Yarros. Bravo! This was such an extraordinary story! I absolutely LOVED it. My heart broke when we lost one of our flyboys. The affect that it had on the others was devastating, but to experience it through Morgan’s eyes was emotionally crippling. My tears fell with hers. I sobbed and ugly cried as if it were my own loss. This book gutted me in ways I didn’t understand, but it also made me laugh out loud and swoon. Girl, did I ever swoon! Jackson... (sigh). Move over Josh, I think Jackson is my new fave. This man melted my heart and made me wish he was mine! Perfection. That’s all I need to say. Everything about this story. Pure perfection. A must read!

~Review by Lys

About the Author: Rebecca is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels, and is always ready to bring on the emotions. She's also the recipient of the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence for Eyes Turned Skyward from her Flight and Glory series. She loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for eighteen years. She’s the mother of six children, ranging from kindergarten to law school, and is currently surviving the teenage years with two of her four hockey-playing sons. When she’s not writing, you can find her at the hockey rink or sneaking in some guitar time. She lives in Colorado with her family, their stubborn English bulldog, and a feisty chinchilla. Having fostered then adopted their youngest daughter, Rebecca is passionate about helping children in the foster system through her nonprofit, One October.


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