
Friday, August 7, 2020

The Rise of Saint by Bella J ~ Review by Juls

The Rise of SaintThe Rise of Saint by Bella J.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OMG... talk about ANGST!!! My whole body was wound up tight the whole time! These characters are so intense!!! This story was so good and was non-stop! Mila is such a strong character, and I really like her. She definitely does not sensor her feelings or thoughts. She also wasn’t afraid to hold back when it came to Saint! As for Saint... my gosh!! You can just feel the power radiate off of him. He is an alpha with a chip on his shoulder, but somehow, he makes it look sexy! LOL Even though Mila has so much hatred for him, I can totally understand how hard it is to hold back on all that chemistry! I’m pretty sure I can speak for many when I say I’m not sure many would pass up a chance with Saint! As for that ending?? A nail biter for sure! I’m so excited that I get to jump right into The Fall of Sin now!!


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