
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Wreckage of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry

The Wreckage of UsThe Wreckage of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry

When it comes to this author, I feel as if reviews are no longer needed. At this point, anyone that has read a book by Brittainy C. Cherry, knows how good her writing is. All that really needs to be said is that it’s written by her and it should be a no brainer.

The Wreckage of Us is as always, a great love story. Ian and Hazel’s story is full of angst and passion. Of course, every love story has its struggles, but there’s nothing that Ian wasn’t willing to work through to be able to call Hazel his. There’s so many parts of this story that I highlighted! Brittainy always seems to melt my heart when it comes to her hero’s words...

“I’m fighting for you whether you like it or not, Hazel Stone. Our love song isn’t over. We’re just getting to the chorus, and I’m going to sing for you, for us, until forever.”


“What does a promise from a boy like you mean to a girl like me, Ian Parker?”

“Everything”. I confessed. “It means everything.”

So many good parts! I loved it all! But seriously? Who doesn’t? Just go ahead and one click now!!

~ Juls

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