Monday, February 17, 2014

PAST IMPERFECT by Alison G. Bailey Promotional Post!

The author's take on Brad...

My Take on Brad

Brad was one of my favorite characters to write. He’s not based on anyone I know. I knew I needed a counterpart to sweet Noah in Present Perfect. At first Brad was going to be completely slimy with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. As I wrote, he charmed me with his humor and cheesy lines. I always felt when he delivered lines like, “I’m not staring, I’m admiring”, he did it with a smirk on his face.
I had heard writers say before how a character starts to takeover and write itself. Brad was certainly a character like that for me. He said things that made me blush. His humor surprised me. In fact, I can go back and read lines from Present Perfect that I have read a thousand times before and still laugh out loud at Brad. I never thought of him as a bad guy. He and Tweet were a lot alike in many ways. They both had misconceptions of themselves.
In the beginning of Past Imperfect, we see a Brad who has definitely changed due to events in his past. When he meets Mabry, he’s able to be open to their connection. He sees her through different eyes then how he used to view women. He still confident, cocky at times, funny, and charming, but his intentions are different now. He wants to be a better man.

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