My rating: 4 of 5 stars
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*** I Love Story Time was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review ****
I just want to say, I can't believe how fast I got through this book! I seriously could not put it down and read it in one sitting! I was looking forward to reading Corey and Mimi's story. Their relationship (if that's what we should call it in the beginning) starts off in book 1 as a love/hate situation. Corey is always bulling Mimi's friend and Mimi is always sticking up for her to him, but you can tell that they have some background between them.
Mimi still has her feisty mouth, and I love it! She has always had the balls to the walls, take no shit from anyone type of personality, and she definitely delivers that in Bittersweet Hate. Mimi and Jenna's friendship is still going strong! I really liked hearing Jenna give advice to Mimi. Mimi is scared of her feelings for Corey and Jenna tells Mimi what she needed to hear.....
"You know what? Nothing in life is simple. Love is hard, it's hard to get, and it's hard to keep. You know why? Because people like you, they find it and then run; they are so scared of the unknown that the second that they realize they're falling they leave. Protecting yourself in this fake bubble does nothing. It's a false sense of security, love isn't meant to be painful. What you're experiencing is fear, and you know what Mimi? You're the strongest person I've ever met. You stuck up for me when no one else would. You protected me, and now I'm protecting you from yourself. Let go, fall helplessly and madly in love and I guarantee Corey will be there to catch you."
That was one of my favorite parts in the book! I loved the love that Jenna shows Mimi and the faith that she has in Corey regardless our their history. I also was happy to read the little parts that Jenna and Rex were in! I can't wait to read more about them. I would also love to read a book about Ryder. It appears that he has some dark secrets and I just want to know about all of them!
Another great book to the Bittersweet Series! The ending was another one that left me wanting more. I can't wait to see what happens and hope some people step up. If you are already in love with this series, I'm sure you won't be disappointed with this story! As for the ending, all I have is ....
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