Friday, January 24, 2014

Review ~ ARSEN by Mia Asher

Arsen: A Broken Love StoryArsen: A Broken Love Story by Mia Asher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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I'm so torn on this book!! I'm torn on if I should rate it 4.5 or 5 stars!!

Did I like it? Well, heck ya!! Did it give me a roller coaster of emotions? Hell yes!! Did it make me cry? Do I even need to answer that question? Let's just say.... Ugly Cry!! So maybe it should be a 5 star??

There are so many things about this book I can go on and on about. However, I don't want to ruin the story for someone who hasn't even read it yet. So, I will just touch basis with things that I just have to mention.

Let's start with Ben!! What can I say? I LOVE Ben, but unfortunately, he loves Cathy....what a shame! Haha! Just kidding! Ben is the type of guy that just worships the ground that you walk on. Will do anything for you. Just the perfect... EVERYTHING!!! And that is exactly how Ben treats Cathy. Ben would say the sweetest things that would just make my toothache! But don't worry, Ben is also a dirty talker!! There were some parts in the book when I was like, "damn that was hot!!" He has some seriously sexy words and some smooth moves!! I love it!! I would definitely say that Ben and Cathy were soul mates!

"Falling in love with the wrong person is easy. Falling in love with the right person is easier. But falling in love with your soul mate is easiest."

As for Cathy, I'm so torn when it comes to my feelings towards her!! At times I just wanted to scream at her and then I just wanted to cry for her. She was just so heart broken and lost. She was so desperate to have a family with Ben that she completely lost control of her emotions and what was really important. She just couldn't handle life any longer. So what did she do? She turns to Arsen. Cathy really did love both of them..

"Arsen became the air I needed to breath, but Ben was my lungs. What good would air be if I didn't have lungs to begin with?"

Arsen, is the shinny new toy. You know that toy you eye in the store that looks nice and clean? The one that is always on your mind and you can't wait to get your hands on it. Then once you get your hands on it you keep playing with it over and over again! You have so much fun with it and think that no other toys can compare? That's Arsen.

As for the story? It has a little of everything. I seriously felt every emotion there is to feel while reading a book. There were parts where my heart seriously broke for Ben... I seriously balled when it was in his POV and how he felt on the last night. My poor Ben. Then, there were times that he would give the best advice...

"Just remember, Karma is a bitch."

Then my heart seriously dropped when he said 4 little words...

"Your lipstick is smudged."

Like I said I can go on and on about this book. But I think the best part is....

"Falling in love with someone is easy. It's loving when the newness has worn off, when life gets though, when things get in the way, when physical passion is gone, that true love remains. When love really conquers it all."

As for the ending. Really? I need more! I need a for sure answer, not just someone thinking it! And I would love to see the family life. You know? Now that I think about it? I would definitely say a 5 star read!!!


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