Friday, January 24, 2014

Review ~ RAW by Belle Aurora

RawRaw by Belle Aurora
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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I bought this book because so many people were going on and on about it. Now after reading it, I can see why! It was an awesome read. I love when I read a book that has it all and this one definitely did! From the very beginning I was hooked. I loved the story line, the friendships in it, the love story, and the darkness to it. Seriously perfect!!

I really loved the friendship between Lexi, Nikki, and Dave. They were like 3 peas in a pod. The conversations they had were hilarious. I think my favorite one was when they were talking about "Happy" after the party that Twitch invited them to. I love when there is awesome friends in the story that say off the wall things! It just makes the story that much better! I also liked the conversation when Lexi is telling Nikki about Twitch and she flat out says...

"He's a freak in the bed!"

Lexi is so funny. I love the dialog in her head. She consistently talks to herself through out the whole book! Especially when she is talking to herself about Twitch. At one point she is asking herself what she is doing with Twitch and why she gave into him so quickly.

Simple. You wanted his dirty mouth on you. More accurately, you wanted his filthy mouth to do nasty things to your body.

Another great one is when Lexi goes to visit Twitch at work. Lexi walks into his office and there is a girl in there with him (Ling). Right away, Ling gives Lexi an attitude and tries to claim Twitch as her own. Twitch tells Ling to leave his office. As Ling walks out pissed off, Lexi thinks to herself...

Yeah. Walk away Skanks McGee.

Seriously loved it! I can write so many but I will let you read the book!!!

Now Twitch!! Damn, I loved his roughness! Talk about flat out, no holding back, smart ass dirty mouth. I LOVE it ALL! And so demanding...damn!! Nothing more hot than that combination! Just reading things that he would say....(fanning my face with hand)...seriously HOT!!!

His eyes crinkle at the corners as I'm suddenly pushed down to my knees in front of him. With both his hands at my shoulders, he utters, "You needed a push in the right direction. Now let's see if you can bring me to my knees too."

Twitch is someone every girl should try out once in their life.

..I'm so ashamed of myself for wanting this. His brand of sex comes with a warning label. That should make me want to run in the opposite direction.

Hmm...I'm not sure I would have run in the opposite direction either! HAHA! I'm pretty sure I would "beg" if he asked me to!

..There's something about Twitch. He's just....raw.

This book had it all. I laughed out loud and I also cried! I went through every emotion.

As for the ending! O-M-G!!! I can't decide if it's a cliff hanger and if there will be a book 2 coming out!! If so, I CAN'T WAIT!!! 5 Stars all the way!!

~ Juls

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