Tuesday, March 4, 2014

♥Favorite Past Imperfect Quotes♥

#1.  “I’m sorry Mabry. If I had known you were going to be in my future, I would have been a better man I my past.”  —Brad
I like this quote because it shows how remorseful Brad really feels about his past actions. He understands fully the hurt and pain he caused. At times people say they’re sorry because its expected, it sounds good, but they don’t actually comprehend the full effect of their actions. Brad gets it.

#2.  “When he looks at me, everything horrible in my life disappears. For the first time I can see a future and I’m not alone in it.” —Mabry.
                For me, this quote shows the first glimpse of hope Mabry has for not only her relationship with Brad. It shows her letting him not only into her heart, but her future.

#3. “I’m caught between the light and the dark. I can see myself hanging from a cliff. My fingers digging deep into the grass, dirt, and rocks, trying to stay above ground while my legs dangle aimlessly over the edge. The harder I hold on, the stronger gravity tugs at my legs. Then little by little the blades of grass break, the grains of dirt shift, and the rocks roll away until I’m free-falling.” —Mabry
                I love the imagery of this quote. How it shows the gradualness of Mabry losing control of her life. Instead of facing her fears and dealing with them head on, she’s shoved them to one side, thinking she can control their effect on her. But they are always there and as time goes by become a stronger pull than she expected.

#4. “Do you think it’s possible to love someone before you’ve met them? Because I think I’ve loved you my entire life.” —Brad
                This quote to me shows how deep his connection is with Mabry. He wasn’t waiting for the “right” girl. He was waiting for “this” girl.  At the age of 25 he’s experiencing emotions he’s never had before. His love for Mabry is so complete that he can’t imagine a time when his heart didn’t belong to her.

#5.          I watch as she bites her lower lip slightly and swallows. “You have one more day, Mabry.”
                “Before what?”
“Before I become relentless.” I look into her eyes to make sure she understands what I mean before pushing away and walking out of the room. —Brad
I guess technically this isn’t really just one quote, but the quote I’m focusing on needed a little setup. I love Brad’s answer, “Before I become relentless.” To me it shows his determination, confidence, cockiness, and love for Mabry all in a few words.

#6. “I know you’re scared, so am I. But we can do this together. We’re not alone anymore. Now we have each other. I don’t know what the future holds. All I know is that I need you in mine.” —Brad
                What I like most about this quote is that it shows a maturity in Brad. That the one thing he is positive about is his feelings for Mabry. No matter what changes occur around them, his love and commitment to her is constant.

#7. “I’m not yours or anyone’s. We’re not living in a lame romance novel. You and I were never more than fuck buddies. That was our deal. It’s not my fault you went all pussy on me.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and get acquainted with my new buddy.” —Mabry
                I like this quote because it shows Mabry’s feistiness. She’s basically giving Brad a taste of his own medicine or at least his own old medicine.

#8. “But I have never wasted a willing chick or a hard dick in my life, and I certainly wasn’t about to start now.” —Brad
                What can I say about this quote? It’s quintessentially Brad.

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