Thursday, January 21, 2016

*** Blog Tour *** Progress by Amalie Silver

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NEW PROGRESS cover only (3) 
Jesse I admit, I didn’t think much of Charlie at first. She was rounder than the girls who usually caught my eye. Not my type. But when I saw her sitting in that booth alone, for the first time something in my mind or my instincts or my heart told me to join her. She defied me. She challenged me. She gave me hope. Before I knew it, moving forward was my only option. Charlie I couldn’t tell you when it happened, but it had to have been a gradual change; I never moved too quickly. If someone would have told me earlier that year what I was going to go through, I wouldn't have believed them. Jesse was so different from anyone I’d met before. And everyone I’ve met since. He sucked all the life out of me, in the best—and worst—ways. We don’t get strong overnight. For most of us it takes time. Strength isn’t measured by how high and fast our walls go up, but how easily we can watch them fall.
NEW PROGRESS full sleeve copy (2) 

Review by Juls

4 Stars!

“When you’re ready, I want you to say it over and over again in your head. Say it as many times as you need to. Say it until you believe it. Because there are so many beautiful things about you, Charlie. So many things you don’t let yourself see.”

Aww...I love that quote. When Jesse said that to Charlie, I fell in love. Yes, Jesse is different than the typical male character in a story, but there was just something about him that drew me in. My heart was constantly hurting for him. I can't imagine the battles that he had to deal with daily. I truly believe that Jesse and Charlie were meant for each other. Charlie relaxed him and brought him the comfort he needed. Jesse helped Charlie believe in herself. Charlie had always had it hard while dealing with her weight. Kids were always mean to her because of it. Jesse was the first person to look past that and see the real Charlie, not the fat Charlie. Their story and the relationship between them, brought tears to my eyes. At first I wasn't sure about Jesse, but the more I got to learn about him, the more I liked him. I liked Charlie as well. The only thing I would say that I would have liked better in the storyline, would be that Charlie didn't lose weight. The thing that caught my eye while reading the synopsis was the fact that she was a bigger girl. In so many stories the girls always have the perfect body. I liked the fact that Charlie didn't. So, I would have preferred that to stay the case. Other than that, I really enjoyed Progress and would definitely recommend it to my fellow readers!

Amalie Silver resides in Minnesota with her husband, two toddlers, and German Short-haired Pointer, Saba. She consumes approximately three pots of coffee a day, and credits this for her survival over the past decade. When not completely consumed in her writing, she can be found taking road trips to northern Minnesota, engaging in fierce Scrabble games, or reading a good book. She’s a sucker for all romance genres, literary fiction, and psychological fiction.


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