Wednesday, February 4, 2015

CHANCE by Christina Palmer : Review by Juls

ChanceChance by Christina Palmer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

*** I Love Story Time was gifted an ARC in exchange for an honest review ***

3.5 Stars!

"I'll always find you, you know? There's nowhere for you to hide from me. I'll always find you and bring you back. But, if you ever try to leave me again, I'll go to your parent's house and I'll kill them both with my bare hands. Don't think I won't."

Doesn't that quote just give you the chills? I know when I read it, I got goosebumps! I did enjoy the suspense that takes place in this story. There were times that I was nervous because I had no idea what was going to happen.

Charlotte meets Logan and her relationship with him moves along pretty fast. In the beginning, everything was perfect. Logan was the perfect boyfriend, always showing his love and support to Charlotte. Then little by little, Logan starts to change and Charlotte's life is no longer the fairytale she thought it was going to be. In fact, it becomes a nightmare that she can't wake up from. Logan starts to take everything away from Charlotte. Soon she becomes a prisoner in her own home. Charlotte also knows that Logan is keeping things from her, specifically what he does for a living. Charlotte has had enough and decides to leave him. However, she quickly realizes that its not as easy as she thought it would be.

While Charlotte is trying to get out an abusive relationship, see comes across someone that is there for her and helps her start a new and better life. I was happy to see that in the end, everything worked out, and Charlotte got her happily ever after!

~ Juls

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